Pet Dental Cleaning
Now offering affordable dental cleanings for pets under 8 years old!

Did you know that dental disease in cats and dogs not only causes severe damage to the teeth and gums but can also cause severe heart disease as well? It is hard to brush our pets’ teeth. We understand. But by not routinely brushing their teeth, bacteria builds up on the teeth (causing tartar and plaque build-up) and on the gums (causing gingivitis). As we all know, this leads to very bad breath. And our pets love to lick everything in the house and everyone in the family!!!
That the particular forms of bacteria that grow in dog and cat mouths can be harmful to human health, particularly if our pets inadvertently bite or break skin when roughhousing with their owners? Please consider not only the health of your pet but the safety of your family!
That these same forms of bacteria growing in your pet’s mouth can actually break down the gum tissue and the underlying jaw bone (periodontal disease) and can even get into the bloodstream, traveling to your pet’s heart! Once there, the bacteria like to latch onto the heart valves responsible for directing blood flow, which causes endocarditis, heart murmurs, and severe heart disease, even death!!!
All of these reasons explain why dental care for your pet is SO IMPORTANT!!! And current Veterinary Medical Standards recommend complete dental cleaning every six months!
We can offer you an alternative option for affordable animal dental care. And by helping your pet, you are also helping support our nonprofit mission to provide animal rescue groups, humane societies, and the community with low-cost surgical services.
Schedule your appointment by calling our phone number (704) 784-6304. or by completing an online Appointment Request form.
Dental Cleaning Services Pricing
We are now proudly offering affordable dental cleanings for your furry friends age 8 years old and younger. We require that your pet must already be spayed or neutered to take advantage of this service. Your pet must be current on the core vaccines listed above (3 for dog, 2 for cat), but we can update them at the time of dental cleaning. If you have recently had your pet fixed, we ask that you wait at least 4 weeks before scheduling their dental to allow the anesthesia to wear off and for healing. We cannot do the dental at the same time as your pet’s surgery as it will increase risk for surgery site infection. Other services offered are also available at the time of the dental cleaning (ex. Microchipping, heartworm testing, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam, deworming, nail trims, anal gland expression)
Dog Dental Cleaning 200
Teeth cleaning under full anesthesia, includes scaling and polishing
Cat Dental Cleaning 200
Teeth cleaning under full anesthesia, includes scaling and polishing


**We receive a high volume of phone calls every day Mon-Thurs. If you are unable to reach us, please leave a voicemail, or complete an online Request Appointment submission form. Please be patient with us; we will get everyone assisted. Thank you for supporting our Nonprofit Organization**